Veckans citat

The more you claim your own destiny, the easier it will be to love unconditionally. The more you love, the more comfortably you'll fit in with all sorts of people.

Martha Beck

torsdag 4 september 2008

Mental träning

Ett favorittema här på bloggen är hur vi kan må bättre och bli lyckligare. Nedan ågerges Dan Östbergs intervju med livscoachen Lisa Fabre om hur hon hittat balans i sitt liv med hjälp av tankens kraft och mental träning.

Tänk dig lycklig!

”Förändra livet med tankekraft” - humbug eller sanning? Journalisten och livscoachen Lisa Fabre vet. Det fanns en tid när hon led av anorexi och usel självkänsla. Efter många års kamp har hon hittat harmonin i tillvaron. Lisa Fabre lät sig inte knäckas av den svarta självbilden utan har successivt utforskat vad som får oss människor att må bra.

I 20-årsåldern gick hon inledningsvis i samtalsterapi för att åtgärda den destruktiva anorexin. Efter det fortsatte hon jobbet för att hitta balans på egen hand, i form av självhjälpskurser och en uppsjö böcker i ämnet. För det går faktiskt att vända det mesta till något positivt, vilket hon själv är ett exempel på.

I dag lever Lisa Fabre ett harmoniskt liv med maken Willie Liljencrantz och sina två barn Adam, 3, och snart ettåriga dottern Adele. Semestern har hon tillbringat på lantstället nära Ekerö utanför Stockholm. < style="font-weight: normal;">

– Varenda tanke vi tänker påverkar hur vi upplever vårt liv, säger hon.

Lisa Fabre medger att budskapet ”Tänk dig lycklig” kan låta provocerande för dem som har det tufft. Men enligt henne går det faktiskt att utmana de värsta motgångar med rätt attityd. Det handlar först och främst om att acceptera livet som det är. Därefter gäller det att försöka förändra det man är missnöjd med så långt det går.

För ful, dum & fattig
Och visst är det tillåtet att vara ledsen mellan varven. Problemet är att många fastnat i gamla negativa tankebanor ”Jag duger inte”, ”Jag är för ful, för dum, för fattig för att nå mina mål eller få den jag vill ha”. Uppfattningarna blir självuppfyllande eftersom det får dig att framstå som tillbakadragen och viljelös: Dejten dumpar dig för en mer karismatisk partner. Din partner tröttnar just på grund av att du är så kontrollerande och klängig av rädsla att bli lämnad. Chefen satsar på personen som visade mer gåpåaranda vid anställningsintervjun. Oron en trygghet
– Ofta är vi så vilse i våra tankar att vi inte märker vad vi håller på med. Man är van att vakna med en negativ känsla i maggropen och behåller den livet igenom trots att man kanske egentligen mår bra, säger Lisa Fabre.

Oron för att inte duga blir en slags trygghet. Men egentligen har den inget alls med oss att göra. Enligt Lisa Fabre är vi alla födda med unika gåvor vi har som ansvar att utveckla. Men i uppväxten kan kreativiteten ta stryk av föräldrarnas missriktade förväntningar, skolans och samhällets krav på anpassning eller egna misslyckanden.

– Allt hör ihop med vilken vägledning och självkänsla man fått som liten, säger hon.

Glöm rätt och fel
Därför är det viktigt att analysera vems liv man egentligen lever och vilka mål som är våra helt egna. Lisa Fabre menar att vi bara behöver känna efter vad som gör oss glada. Vad som känns rätt. Glömma rätt och fel och fult och fint.

Därefter gäller det att föreställa sig att drömmen har gått i uppfyllelse. Det kan gälla huset i skärgården, partnern med de varma ögonen, eller en karriär som författare. Tekniken är densamma som när idrottsmännen målfokuserar inför en tävling.

– Tankar är kraft. Allt är möjligt, säger hon.

5 enkla sätt att uppnå dina mål
  1. Skapa en detaljerad och konkret bild exakt av vad du vill uppnå.
  2. Känn i kroppen hur det är att vara vid målet. Känns det glädjande, tacksamt eller har du hamnat rätt.
  3. Vad kan du göra redan i dag för att nå målet? Kolla husannonser. Spara pengar till Porschen. Gå en utbildning eller kurs i det du skulle vilja syssla med. Möt blickar på bussen till jobbet för att finna en partner.
  4. Undersök vad som hindrar din tro att drömmen ska bli verklig. Varifrån kommer tankar som ”Ingen vill ha mig”, ”Porschen är för dyr”, ”Jag duger inte för jobbet”? Inse att du inte är född med dessa tankar utan att de packats på dig under årens lopp.
  5. Gör vad du behöver för att förändra dina negativa tankar. Du kan börja umgås med kompisar som stöttar ditt nya sätt att tänka. Om det känns som inget förändras kan du uppsöka en terapeut eller en livscoach.
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Tips för att få ett nytt jobb

Arbetet utgör ofta en stor del av vårt liv och tillfredsställelsen på jobbet har därför stor betydelse för hur vi mår. När det inte känns bra finns det olika vägar. Antingen kan man prata med chefen om sin situation och be att få nya arbetsuppgifter, eller så kan man sträva efter att successivt visa framfötterna och tillskansa sig nya områden på arbetet. Ett alternativ det är viktigt att inte glömma bort är också att se sig om efter ett annat jobb. En sådan förändring kräver ofta mod, eftertanke och beslutsamhet. Nedan följer några tips från Expressen på hur man kan göra sitt bästa på anställningsintervjun.

Sex tips för att få ett nytt jobb

Att stå utan jobb gör människor desperata. Men för att få en ny anställning krävs att du inte låter den känslan ta över. CNN Money har listat sex tips för att bättre klara av en anställningsintervju.
Det vanligaste felet arbetssökande gör är att de hetsar sig in i något de inte känner dig säkra på. Det är förståeligt, såklart, men bäst resultat får du alltid genom att ta det lugnt, lägga lång tid på att uppdatera och putsa till ditt CV för att sedan skicka det till utvalda arbetsplatser.

När du blir kallad till intervju gäller det att även där ta det cool, rapporterar CNN Money. Se tillfället som en chans inte bara för arbetsgivaren att undersöka dig utan också för dig att undersöka arbetsplatsen.

Här är sex tips att ta med till intervjutillfället:

1. Om du inte kommer överens med en potentiell chef under anställningsintervjun så kommer du aldrig att göra det.

Att trivas med sin blivande chef är A och O. Om du redan under en anställningsintervju noterar att du och chefen inte förstår varandra kommer det inte att ändras när du börjar jobba för honom. Använd intervjutiden till att undersöka om chefen verkar intresserad av vad du säger och förstår vad som är viktigt för dig i din karriär, innan du accepterar jobberbjudandet.

2. Klickar du inte med dina kommande medarbetare så kommer arbetsrelationerna aldrig att fungera.
Känner du på dig att din nya arbetsplats kommer innebära konflikter? Då gör du rätt i att lyssna till dina känslor. Att inte komma överens med sina medarbetare tar extremt mycket energi från själva arbetet. Fundera på om du tror att det kommer vara värt det.

3. Sluta oroa dig för att bli bortvald.
Det här momentet är svårt om du varit arbetslös ett tag och oroar dig för att räkningshögarna växer. Men att desperat vilja bli utvald av en arbetsgivare kan medföra att du accepterar sammanhang du annars aldrig hade sökt dig till. Det kan bara sluta i katastrof.

4. Börja med att bestämma dig för vad du vill.
Innan du går till en intervju så gör upp en lista över vad som är viktigt för dig. Prioriterar du din arbetsmiljö? Vill du jobba mellan nio och fem? Att veta vad du vill redan innan du börjat ger dig chansen att ställa precisa frågor som kan få fram ifall jobbet verkligen är rätt för dig eller inte.

5. Sälj inte din själ.
Att ta ett jobb bara för lönens skull är okej. Det är till och med oftast oundvikligt. Men om du från början vet att ditt nya jobb inte är det som egentligen känns rätt för dig – sätt upp en tidsplan för hur länge du tänker stanna kvar, och håll den.

6. Var dig själv.
Självklart vill varenda människa visa upp sin bästa sida under intervjuer men det är lätt att låta det gå för långt. Egentligen, vill du inte allra helst få ett jobb där du är accepterad för den du är? Du kanske kan lura andra genom att vinkla ditt CV, men i slutändan är det de som lurat dig när du dagligen tvingas gå till ett jobb där du låtsas vara någon annan.

Du kan få mer inspiration till att göra en stor förändring i ditt liv från boken Dags att komma loss. Kan också rekommendera två böcker på området av Nina Jansdotter; Livskarriär: 7 steg till ett roligare jobb och Självkänsla på jobbet (som också finns som kostnadsfri e-kurs). Läs även om att brist på feedback på arbetsplatsen kan få dig att må dåligt.

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onsdag 3 september 2008

Att nå sina mål

Martha Beck livscoach och författare och gästar ofta Oprah när de pratar om personlig utveckling. Hon är också en av mina favoriter i ämnet och har bland annat skrivit den utmärkta Finn din egen polstjärna - om hur vi kan hitta vår egen väg i livet. Nedan följer en inspirerande text om motivation och att förverkliga olika livsmål. Läs och njut!

One Stroke at a Time

You're drowning in a sea of good intentions—telling yourself you have to break this lousy habit, change that rotten relationship, write that life-changing why don't you do it?

Ugh! I'm so full, I can't breathe!" says Rose as she finishes her cheeseburger. "And I've got to lose weight. … I think I'll have the crème brûlée." Across the table, her oncologist friend, Linda, lights up, handling the stress of treating cancer patients by smoking like a chimney. Meanwhile Barb is complaining about her 27-year-old son, Randy. "If he doesn't get a job and move out soon," she says, "I don't know what I'll do." Rose and Linda know what Barb will do—she'll keep cooking and cleaning for Randy until she dies of old age.

In their book The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action, authors Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton discuss why our actions often don't match our ideals, and what we can do about it. Although the authors' research is drawn from the corporate world, I read the book as a self-help guide, looking for ways to stop perpetuating behavior I know is bad for me: postponing work, playing addictive computer games, eating hotel minibar food that hardens my arteries and costs more than its weight in enriched uranium. If you're a cognitive dissonance sufferer like Rose, Linda, Barbara, and me, try these dos and don'ts that I've adapted from Messrs. Pfeffer and Sutton for closing the knowing-doing gap:

1. Don't substitute talk for action.
Mike calls me every few weeks to say, "I need to talk to you about my girlfriend. I've been talking to a lot of her friends, and we should talk about what they've been talking about. Maybe she and I should come talk to you together."

Talk, talk, talk. Mike is tolerating his awful relationship by creating storms of verbiage that make him think he and his girlfriend are making progress, even though they aren't. He's not alone. Substituting talk for action is perhaps the most common way we fall into the knowing-doing gap. Many corporate teams spend so much time creating strategies and mission statements, they don't actually implement anything. The same goes for individuals. We plan, consider, discuss, brood—and count the word-spinning hours as "action." We think we're working toward our goals when in fact we're spinning our wheels.

2. Do hit your mute button.
If you're not sure whether you're in danger of talking your dreams to death, try something for me. Today, whenever you mutter your usual reminders about cleaning the closet, learning to tango, or finding a new job/boyfriend/oven thermometer, make a note of it on a piece of paper. At the end of the day, read over your list and ask yourself, "Did I do anything that created a measurable change toward each goal?" If not, you're substituting words for action. You can close the knowing-doing gap only by focusing on observable change—not plans, comments, or excuses. You don't have to build Rome in a day; small tweaks are more sustainable, and thus more effective, than attempts at total revolution.

3. Don't rely on fantasy transitions.
One of my favorite cartoons shows two scientists working on a massive equation. In the center of countless numbers and symbols are the words, "A miracle occurs." This kind of fuzzy logic is actually very de-motivating. As Pfeffer and Sutton note, companies often fail to act when managers don't know every step in the processes they're managing. The same thing happens when individuals have an incomplete plan. Uncertainty stops people in their tracks—smack-dab in the knowing-doing gap.

4. Do figure out what's standing between you and your goals.
I know what you're thinking: What kind of high-grade pharmaceutical are Pfeffer and Sutton on? They start off by saying not to get bogged down in details—and now they advise against starting without an itemized plan. It's all about calibration, spending enough time to come up with a solid plan but not obsessing over it.

Compared with vague fantasies about achieving great things, grappling with the nitty-gritty realities of action is hard. It requires research, concentration, and creativity. But we're actually happiest when we're pushing the envelope of effort, not when we're lost in daydreams. As you fill in the gaps in your knowledge, you'll feel the kind of excitement that comes from real possibility, not just happy talk. Figuring out a plan of attack will practically catapult you over the knowing-doing gap.

5. Don't scare yourself.
In business, Pfeffer and Sutton report, managers who try to lead through fear cause paralysis more often than action. This is just as true when we're managing our own lives. Think of an area where you're trying to scare yourself into action. Right now, focus on your favorite fear-based admonitions:

"I've got to stop spending so much on shoes and save more for retirement or I'll end up a bag lady. A bag lady with a lot of shoes, but still..."

"I've got to stop eating junk or I'll end up the size of an off-road vehicle and no one will ever love me and I'll die of a heart attack before I ever see grandchildren!"

Now, while thinking those things, just notice: With fear ruling your mind, do you want to add to your savings or hit the mall? Do you crave broccoli or fries?

Of course you do.

Trying to motivate yourself with fear is like screaming at a child, "Do something, dammit!" You'll either freeze up or act in counterproductive ways. Fear widens the knowing-doing gap. Don't use it.

6. Do discover the power of calm.
People consistently offer me large sums of money just to say, "You'll be fine." They do this even though I tell them it works almost as well to say it to themselves. Kind self-talk is an incredibly effective way to calm fear and motivate action.

"After my divorce, I was 52 and penniless," my client Mara recalls. "But I'd gotten away from a frightening man, and I just decided to calm myself down. Every time I began to worry, I'd say, 'Mara, everything's fine. You've always been able to make your way, and you always will. There's no rush.' And I was right. Once I was calm, I felt drawn to do things that made me more friends and money than I thought possible."

It seems so simple, but I've seen this strategy work over and over. When people stop scaring themselves and start calming themselves, they become far more productive and successful in every aspect of their lives. Try it right now, so you can use it the next time you're scared. Silently tell yourself simple things like "It's okay." "You're all right." "There's no rush." "You can do this." You'll be amazed at the power of this humble mental-management technique to help you turn knowledge into action.

7. Don't fight yourself.
When I met Sally, she was married to a wealthy banker who bought her everything she thought her heart desired—jewelry, clothes, furniture. These things, however, were what Sally's head desired, but her heart actually longed for the company of creative, bohemian people who had little concern for gobs of cash.

Sally had been at war with herself most of her life. Her socialized side was competing with her inner nature. In the corporate world, destructive internal competition widens companies' knowing-doing gaps. Individuals are just as susceptible: Holding two sets of competing beliefs paralyzes them.

8. Do stop the inner arm wrestle.
If you feel stuck in some area of your life, it's because contradictory beliefs are competing for control of your behavior. The problem is that we're not always aware there is a private struggle going on. One way to figure out if you're in the middle of an inner conflict is to write down a basic belief that's driving behavior you want to change. For example, you may want to get out of a relationship but believe something like "I have to keep every commitment I ever made." After writing down the belief, write the polar opposite of that statement ("I don't have to keep every commitment"). Are there circumstances in which those opposing statements ring true?

When Sally did this exercise, she realized that she'd married for legitimate reasons. Financial security is not an insane thing to want (have you seen the Dow Jones average lately?), but compared with a more artistic lifestyle, her original choice seemed false. The marriage ended when she embraced her bohemian side, and Sally began to know passion—in romance, work, learning, and living—for the first time.

You can end your internal arm wrestles by (a) discovering your competing ideas and (b) identifying the ones that feel untrue or stultifying. If part of you thinks homemaking is a lowly and servile occupation, you won't beautify your home until you flip that thought. If you fear you're not good enough for love, the part of you that loves will always smash into this competing belief. Find the erroneous thoughts, turn them over, and watch yourself finally begin to do what you know.

9. Don't track the wrong things.
According to Pfeffer and Sutton, companies with huge knowing-doing gaps tend to measure things that don't really matter, such as hours worked rather than overall customer satisfaction. We have similar problems. For instance, my client Jessie comes back from her vacations desperately needing a vacation, because she grimly measures the "success" of a trip by sights seen and recreational activities accomplished. Another client, Mollie, often complains, "I practically killed myself to give my kids a good life, and now they're in therapy saying God knows what about me." Here's what Mollie's kids are processing with their therapists: the guilt and despair that comes from being raised by a mom who used her own suffering as the yardstick of her mothering.

Before you do anything, consider what you're really trying to accomplish and determine how you'll chart your progress. Sounds like yet another exercise—except you've likely already done it. Go back and look at the plan of attack you made in Step 4. If you need to find a place to live, don't count the number of hours you've logged sighing over fabulous floor plans online. Track how many realtors you've contacted, apartments you've seen, letters of reference you've gathered. If you want your children to be happy, spend more time teaching them joy by embodying it. If relaxation is your goal, don't force yourself to go sightseeing when lying in bed watching a dozen Dr. Greene–era episodes of ER is the only thing that will recharge your fried self. Whatever it is you really want, count movement toward that, and only that, as your measure of success.

If Rose, Linda, and Barb could stop substituting talk for action, make a plan that doesn't depend on acts of God, calm themselves, eliminate competing ideas, and measure what really matters, their next lunch could be their best ever—healthy, smoke-free, filled with mutual congratulation rather than shared worry and stress. In fact, having written a few hundred words on this topic, I'm feeling motivated to close the knowing-doing gap myself. I'm launching myself into a new era of productivity, here and now! Just as soon as I figure out how to open this minibar.

Martha Beck is the author of The Joy Diet (Crown). Her most recent book is Steering by Starlight (Rodale).

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tisdag 2 september 2008

Tankar kring veckans citat

Veckans citat
We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.

av C. Malesherbes

får mig att tänka på historien om fisken som sin första tid bara hade tillgång till halva utrymmet i akvariet, eftersom en glasskiva skiljde det i två delar. När man sedan tog bort denna glasskiva hade fisken så till den milda grad vant sig vid var gränsen gick att den aldrig nånsin försökte simma över till den andra sidan av akvariet igen. Jag tror att vi också på detta sätt tidigt lär oss strategier i livet och har svårt att ompröva dessa vid förändrade omständigheter. Våra föreställningar om oss själva och vad som är möjligt håller oss på liknande sätt fångna i en mental avspärrning. Men skulle vi på nytt utforska världen och försöka tänja på gränserna skulle vi ofta kunna skapa nya utrymmen åt oss själva.

I allmänhet tror jag att negativa tankar håller oss tillbaka medan positiva tankar ger en större flexibilitet. Men en vana vid att alltid tänka positivt kan skapa begränsningar för oss själva och göra det svårt att tillåta oss att se våra skuggsidor och erkänna hela spektrumet av våra känslor.

Vad tänker du själv?

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torsdag 28 augusti 2008

Psykologisk film

Ett spännande intiativ är Stockholmsfenomenet "Psykologer tittar på film" som analyserar intressanta filmer från ett psykologiskt perspektiv och ofta har med en känd psykolog som gäst. Läs nedan DN:s artikel av reportern Calle Pauli.

”Psykologer tittar på film” inleder sin andra omgång på Klarabiografen i Kulturhuset efter en lyckad vår där alla visningar/samtal var fullknökade. Initiativtagare och ständig moderator är Jonas Mosskin, psykologstudent, cineast och bloggare. Idén fick han för några år sedan när han började psykologlinjen och saknade ett naturligt, självklart samtal utanför föreläsningssalarna om det han och hans kurskamrater höll på med.

– Film och litteratur har alltid varit mitt sätt att förstå människor. Dessutom hade en kompis till mig en privat liten filmklubb hemma där vi samlades och visade filmer för varandra, som vi samtalade om efteråt. När han slutade med det hade jag ett behov att fortsätta.

Sagt och gjort: ”Psykologer tittar på film” började hos numera nedlagda Ugglan på Närkesgatan, fortsatte på Street och landade i våras på nya Klarabiografen.

Urvalet är personligt.

– Jag kollar mycket film och tar med det jag är sugen på. Jag vill ha en bredd i urvalet, som skall täcka in så många som möjligt: barn och vuxna, sjuka och friska. Och sedan försöker jag matcha film och gäst.

Hur väljer du?
– Det måste bränna till på något sätt, filmer handlar ju ofta om relationer: kärlek, olycka, kriser. Man behöver ju prata när det är svårt, säger Jonas Mosskin och hänvisar till Lev Tolstoj som påpekat att alla lyckliga familjer är likadana medan alla olyckliga familjer är olika varandra.

– I så fall måste de vara skruvade, som ”Borat” som vi visade i våras och som Peter Naroskin introducerade. ”Livet från den ljusa sidan”, där Jack Nicholsons fobiske författare slänger en hund i sopnedkastet vore också möjlig.

– Men efter filmer där alla har det bra skulle det bli mjäkiga samtal.

Höstens ”Psykologer tittar på film” inleds med Ingmar Bergmans ”Persona” och kvällens gäst är Iréne Matthis.

– Det finns så mycket att hämta i Bergmans filmer så det är självklart att man måste ha med honom någon gång, säger Jonas Mosskin.

Hittills har det blivit så att han mest visat film från de senaste tjugo åren, men det är absolut ingen regel. I höst har han med två äldre klassiker: ”Persona” från 1966 och Sidney Lumets ”12 edsvurna män” från 1957 som visas den 20 november och introduceras av Christer Sandahl.

Höstens övriga två filmer är Lars von Triers ”Idioterna”, visas 25 september med Daniel Frydman som gäst, och franska ”Water lilies” som kom förra året och som handlar om femtonåriga konstsimmerskor på väg att bli vuxna. Den visas 30 oktober och gäst är Fredrik Livheim. Kolla vidare på

Läs mer om den svenska filmhösten och varför TV återanvänder gamla filmer mer och mer på bekostnad av mer aktuella produktioner.

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tisdag 26 augusti 2008

Bloggen har fått en utmärkelse!

Jag blev jätteglad när Malve gav mig utmärkelsen "I Love Your Blog" med motiveringen "Din blogg är en stor inspirationskälla".

Mina egna nomineringar är bloggar jag ofta hämtar inspiration från och ibland lånar inlägg av. De handlar om personlig utveckling, karriär och framgång, tips för allt ifrån att organisera vardagen till att bryta upp och börja ett helt nytt liv. Abrams är psykolog och skriver vid sidan om många intressanta psykologiska ämnen även svar på olika frågor. Och Lifeboost ger boktips på området personlig utveckling. De flesta bloggar är från USA då det finns ett större intresse för mental träning och personlig utveckling där. Men det är på gång i Sverige också tycker jag!
  1. Dumb Little Man
  2. Paul's Tips
  3. Advanced Lifeskills
  4. Pick the Brain
  5. Finding Serenity
  6. Lifeboost
Har ni andra bloggfavoriter i genren ni kan tipsa om?

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måndag 25 augusti 2008

Tips för en bra höst

Solen står lägre på himlen och det blir mörkt tidigare. Luften är kyligare och den annalkande hösten börjar kännas i hela kroppen. Det blir segare att ta sig upp ur sängen, kroppen är tröttare och den bekymmerslösa sommarens uttåg börjar även påverka den mentala vigören. Än har vi fina sommardagar men vi kan redan nu förbereda oss på att inte drabbas så hårt av omställningen till höst. Brian Carter utbildad i kinesisk medicin, menar att varje årstid kräver en viss inställning för att vi ska må bra och kunna maximera både den psykiska och fysiska hälsan. Läs hans råd sist i inlägget. Först återges Aftonbladets bästa hösttips.

Semestern är slut och höstmörkret närmar sig. Men deppa inte ihop. Det finns sätt att överleva hösten. Nu är det inte många sommarvarma dagar kvar. Kylan kommer snart krypande enligt SMHI. Och innan vi vet ordet av är det mörkt när vi kliver upp på morgonen och lika mörkt när vi lägger oss.– Då gäller det att behålla de bra vanorna från sommaren. Att verkligen försöka komma ut i det dagsljus som finns, säger psykologen Eva Rusz.

Planera in roliga saker

Hon påpekar också att det är viktigt att inte sluta planera in roliga händelser bara för att sommaren är över. – Boka in resor, restaurangbesök eller vad det nu kan vara med din partner eller dina vänner. Vi behöver se fram emot saker i höstmörkret. Att ta en skogspromenad eller en tur på vattnet kan vara en annan bra idé.

Enligt örtpedagogen Marie-Louise Eklöf är naturen en guldgruva för höstdeppiga. – Forskning visar att stressen lägger sig och att blodtrycket sjunker när vi är ute i olika naturmiljöer. Vi blir lugnare helt enkelt.

I naturen finns också godis att plocka för den som känner sig nedstämd. Ljung, rönnbär och nypon är Marie-Louises hetaste tips så här års.

Gör nyttigt te
  • Ljung innehåller eterisk olja, som är lugnande och avstressande. Rönnbär och nypon innehåller mängder med C-vitamin som förbättrar vårt immunförsvar.
  • Torka växterna och gör ditt eget te. Gott, nyttigt och alldeles gratis.
Andra hösttips:
  • Sätt dig ned med din partner eller dina vänner och boka in kvalitetstid tillsammans. Det kan vara allt från att åka på en Ålandsresa till att gå ut och äta en kväll. Alla roliga planer ska inte ta slut bara för att sommaren är över. (Eva Rusz, psykolog)
  • Rör på dig minst 30 minuter per dag. Det är ångestdämpande och endorfinframkallande. Om du har svårt att motivera dig att träna: prova något nytt som du tycker är roligt. Ett annat tips är att röra på sig i vardagen. Att köpa en stegräknare kan också motivera dig att röra på dig. 10 000 steg per dag är ett bra mål. (Stina Karlsson, hälsopedagog) /idrottspsykolog)
  • Försök att komma ut mycket i naturen. Forskning visar att stressen lägger sig och att blodtrycket sjunker när vi är ute i olika naturmiljöer. I skogen finns också vitaminer och antioxidanter som är bra för hälsan. (Marie-Louise Eklöf, örtpedagog)
  • Må inte dåligt i mer än en minut. Försök att åtgärda problemet så fort som möjligt och skingra sedan de negativa tankarna. Ibland kan det räcka med att lämna rummet och gå ut och ta en promenad. Umgås med positiva människor. Bjud på dig själv, så kommer du att få mer tillbaka. (Bert Yogson, astrolog och levnadskonstnär)
  • Ät inte onyttig mat mer än någon gång i veckan. Var lite försiktig med mättat fett, som finns i till exempel grädde och andra mjölkprodukter. Det är nyttigare att äta fetter från fisk och växtriket. Rör på dig varje dag, det får fart på hjärtats cirkulation.(Mats Johansson, överläkare och hjärtspecialist)

Seasonal Balance: Autumn Health and Immunity Tips
Our health is affected by our environment, including the seasons. We must adapt our behavior to each season. In the autumn, we must take particular care to support our immune systems and avoid dryness and wind. More tips are included in the article.

Notice the leaves changing? A chill in the air?

Autumn is the time of maturity and harvest. The air becomes a bit crisper, and the leaves change. Everything slows down, and the days shorten. Yang turns toward yin. The wind can be a bit (or a lot) cooler. Make sure you've got a jacket with you and cover your neck to avoid colds and flu's - the wind has a way of overcoming the immune system.

Make sure you're eating well and your digestion is good, because that's the root of your immune system strength.

Dryness is a common problem in the autumn. It causes constipation, dry throat, dry skin, dry eyes, dry brittle hair, thirst, and prevents sweating. Spicy food makes it worse. Pear juice is a nice moistening solution for a dry Lung (Chinese medicine includes the nose, skin, and throat in its Lung organ-system).

Grief, the emotion of autumn, is quite appropriate in certain situations. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association has determined that 6 weeks of grief is appropriate and normal after the death of a loved one, or a great tragedy. But excessive or long-term grief can harm the Lung-system, and people with Metal-phase or Lung organ-system problems can be frequent criers.

But let's not forget a more positive form of grief, nostalgia, which can typify the 'autumn' of our lives. I know everyone has their own way of doing it- looking through old letters, and albums of photographs. The other day, I had on some Supertramp (70's rock), and the wave of nostalgia that hit me reminded me it was Autumn. You don't have to listen to 70's rock - choose your own. And I wouldn't advise staying in the nostalgic mood for too long (unless you like depression and fatigue), but a little bit of "retrospection" does the body and soul good.

Autumn Tips:
  • Go to bed at sunset and arise at dawn
  • Remain calm and peaceful, and avoid depression
  • Rein in your desires and become focused
  • Breathe deeply and smoothly
  • Avoid smoking and excessive grief
The Consequences of Not Adapting to Autumn
  • Immediately: Injury to the Lung and Immune System
  • Later: In the winter, metabolic and digestive problems including diarrhea and undigested food
Brian B. Carter, MS, LAc is an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist who teaches in Oriental Medicine at the Master's degree level. He has grown a website about Chinese medicine in everyday language since 1999 ( His first book, Powerful Body, Peaceful Mind: How to Heal Yourself with Foods, Herbs, and Acupressure, makes Chinese medicine useful and understandable to regular folks, and is available from,, or

Vilka är dina bästa hösttips?

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söndag 17 augusti 2008

Veckans tips v 32-33

Veckans tips är lånade från Remez Sasson på siten
Success Conciousness och handlar om hur du kan hitta strategier för personlig utveckling i vardagen.

10 tips på självutveckling

1. Look around you and watch how people behave in various circumstances. Watch the people you meet at home, work, at the supermarket, on the bus, train and on the street. Watch and learn also from people interviewed on TV, and also from movies.

2. Watch how people talk, walk and react, and how they are consequently treated by others.

3. Pay attention to the way people use their voice and how they react to others' voices. Watch how you feel and act when people shout or speak softly. Watch what happens when people get angry, restless and upset and what happens if they are calm and relaxed.

4. If you do not like what you see, analyze what and why you do not like it, and then analyze your own behavior to find out whether you behave in the same way. Be honest and impartial in your analysis.

5. If you discover that you manifest some of these undesirable traits of character and behavior, affirm to yourself often, that every time you manifest these traits or behavior, you are going to be conscious and aware of them, and do your best to avoid them.

6. Play in your mind a mental scene of how you would like to behave. Repeat it several times a day, every day.

7. When you detect a sort of behavior or character traits you like and desire to possess, try to act in a similar way. Here too, visualize several times each day a scene, where you act and behave in that different way.

8. You can also decide to change some habit and behavior patterns and develop new ones, because you believe they are necessary and beneficial, even without seeing them in others first.

9. Think and visualize over and over again in your mind how you would like to act and behave. Constantly remind yourself of the changes you desire to make, and strive to act according to them. Each time that you find yourself acting according to your old habit, remember your decision to change and improve, and act accordingly.

10. Do not be disappointed or frustrated if you do not attain fast results. It does not matter how many times you fail or forget to behave as you desired. Persevere with your efforts and never give up, and you will begin to see how you and your life change.

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lördag 16 augusti 2008

Om panikattacker

Panikattacker är en vanlig ångestform som handlar om intensiv rädsla och en känsla av att förlora kontrollen, att dö eller att bli galen. Panikattacker kan vara kopplade till en viss typ av situation som stora öppna ytor (agorafobi), i små utrymmen (klaustrofobi) och i pressade situationer. Men de kan också komma helt utan förvarning och är lätta att missta för kroppsliga besvär - ex hjärtattack eller kvävning. Panikattacker är oftast kopplade till en upplevelse av hot, medvetet eller omedvetet. Och hotet behöver inte vara reellt eller stort, bara upplevt och kan vara både av "fysisk" natur (exempelvis yttre stress som en pressad arbetssituation, en omöjlig deadline eller en separation) och psykisk natur (exempelvis upplevda hot mot identitet och självkänsla).

Rädlsan för panikattackerna kan både förstärka upplevelsen och medverka till att en ny panikattack skapas. Dessutom tolkas ofta kroppens reaktion vid ångesten som tecken på fysisk fara. På detta sätt psykiska faktorer bidrar till att panikattackerna accelererar i en ond cirkel (se bild).

Många lider i åratal utan att veta att det finns terapi som ofta hjälper. Vanligen rekommenderas kognitiv terapi och ibland också i kombination med medicinering. (Läs mer om panikattacker och behandling i länkarna nederst på sidan.)

Här följer en beskrivning av hur det kan upplevas att få panikattacker, och vi får följa Jessicas kamp med att komma tillrätta med detta. Berättelsen är hämtad från siten Self Help Magazine.

Journey Through Fear
by Jessica Williams

I couldn't control the terror I was feeling. My heart was racing and I couldn't breathe. My hands were going numb. The episode struck from out of the blue. I was sure I was having some type of asthma or heart problem. My doctor patted me on the shoulder and told me it was "just panic attacks." I felt reassured. Maybe it was the prescription he handed me that made me feel better. But when I took the tiny pills hoping to make my symptoms disappear, I was horribly disappointed. My panic attacks kept coming, and I was suffering from a sharp sense of helplessness.

After a few more weeks of daily attacks, I sought the advice of a professional counselor. During the first visit, she explained how behavioral therapy could help me. I left her office in disbelief. How I could help myself when I didn't even know why I was having panic attacks? I thought maybe I could just find a better medication.

When we are only in a relationship with ourselves, we determine our actions, and as long as we are acting for the best of each situation that we are in, the method of acting remains wholly with us.

I saw my doctor again. After discussing the different medications, I came home with another batch of pills. This time the side effects could not be ignored. I was weak and light-headed. My mind was clouded over. During a late shift at work, I had to sit and rest every ten minutes. My employer told me it was obvious I could not work, and I was fired that night. I wasn't angry -- she was right. After three days (and still no relief from the panic) I realized anti-anxiety medications weren't the answer for me. I called my counselor and set up an appointment.

The first few months were difficult. We talked about how I had gone through many stresses in the last year, and how they may have caught up to me. We discussed the birth of my baby, my new job, our move 1500 miles away from home, and the death of my husband's best friend. We also discussed how much I missed my dad. We had lived with him before we moved, and I was very attached to him. After working through my emotions on these issues, I felt better about my life -- but the panic was still there.

I began to form a wonderful bond with my counselor. She assured me that I had the power to control my panic by using behavior techniques. This was hard to believe in the beginning, but I trusted her. After discovering what events in my life caused me stress, it was time to look at what physical elements affected my emotional state. This was an aspect I hadn't considered.

We discovered a link between caffeine and my attacks. This was not too surprising, but the next few factors were. One by one, we went down the list of what directly related to my attacks. What had I eaten before an attack? How much sleep had I received? What were my activities like? After analyzing each factor and keeping a detailed journal of what I was doing each day, we started seeing a pattern.

My biggest offender was sugar. It played an undeniable role in the frequency of my attacks. Another cause of my panic was lack of sleep. With a seven month old baby in the house, and a job working late hours, I was not receiving enough sleep. There were many little things I had to change in order to feel better. I could no longer eat sweets, drink alcohol, soda pop, or coffee, and I had to go to bed early every night. I felt like I was being robbed of the good things in life.

Changing my eating and sleeping habits was certainly not the cure-all answer. I had many more months of work to do before I would be free of panic attacks. My counselor and I started working on how to effectively handle my panic. This began with relaxation techniques. Learning how to relax when you are dreading the next attack is very difficult, but through light hypnosis-like help from my counselor, I was able to find a place within myself that was free from fear. Accessing this place whenever I wanted would be my on-going goal.

Besides learning how to relax, our main focus was understanding how the subconscious allows a small fear to escalate into a full blown panic attack. I needed to learn how to re-program my fearful inner thoughts with positive reassurance. When a panic attack would begin, I needed to consciously tell myself that I was strong and I would get through it. I had to remind myself that I would not be hurt or die of fear. If I could just tell myself over and over that I was having a physical response to stimulus, maybe I could reason my way out of the attack.

In the beginning, this only worked on occasion. I was so afraid of the panic that when I would repeat sentences like, "you are in control"or, "you have acknowledged your fear, now it is time to move on." I could not believe myself. It took me many months of "re-programming" my subconscious to believe that I wasn't just going crazy. My counselor recommended I start using repetitive statements like "every day in every way I am getting better." This seemed useless to me because I could not believe it. But my counselor reassured me that it would register in my subconscious and eventually my mind would believe it.

Over time, I realized that what she was teaching me really did make sense. If I could see my panic attacks for what they were, and not the horrible enemy I considered them to be, maybe I could conquer them. Then I learned that "conquering" panic attacks isn't really a matter of fighting them. I had spent so much time running away from the attacks, that when I finally got angry enough, I wanted to fight them off. But I learned that the best way to deal with panic is to play the passive role. Instead of trying to escape the panic, or trying to combat it, I needed to passively watch the attack go by. Telling myself to picture the panic as a wave that would crash down on me, but then quickly flow away helped me to understand that panic truly is a physical response.

After learning to re-program the way I viewed my attacks, I could concentrate more on how to manage them when they occurred. My counselor and I found something that worked wonders for me. I carried a small case of buttons, pennies, colored paper clips, receipts, or any other items that could be put into categories. When I felt an attack coming on, I opened the case and start organizing the items into different groups. The simple distraction of this activity was enough to deter my panic, or at worst, shorten the attack.

I used this technique many times, including during a flight from Montana to California. Getting on that plane was one of the most frightening things I have ever had to do. I was so afraid of having an attack on the plane (where I would not be able to walk around -- which was one of the only activities that would calm me), that I was, ironically, throwing myself into attacks before we even took off. Finally, I grabbed my container of buttons and grouped them by color, size, and texture. Within minutes I was calm. Once we took off, I felt relaxed enough to sleep.

I conquered fears one by one, slowly building my self confidence again. I had incredible support from my husband and my aunt. Each time I felt as if I could not go somewhere or participate in an activity, they would gently remind me of my accomplishments. Eight months after my first attack, I was truly believing that I was "getting better every day in every way." I set goals for myself and worked toward a life without panic.

I knew it would take me many more months before I could look back on the attacks without fear, but I could see that wonderful day in the future and I knew I would be a better person for enduring my panic attacks without the help of medication. Knowing I was feeling better because of changes I had made in my behavior helped me understand the power I had over my life.

Today, nearly three years since my first attack, I know how to handle my panic. I usually go months without an attack. When I do have one, I rationalize it by examining what I have eaten, how much sleep I have received, or other physical happenings. It will come and go, and then I forget about it. I have not been in counseling for over a year. I am thankful I did not have to rely on medication for treatment, but more than that -- I am thankful I was able to realize that I am capable of overcoming fear. I have learned more about myself during this time, and my self confidence is greater. I can actually say that I am thankful for my panic disorder.

Du kan läsa mer om panikattacker på Wikipedia och siten Panikattack. BMJ berättar också utförligt vad en panikattack är och hur den utvecklas. Även denna site ger bra och överskådlig läsning.

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söndag 3 augusti 2008

Veckans tips v30-31

Veckans tips är lånade från Andrew Galasetti från siten Dumb Little Man och handlar om hur du kan hantera motgångar och nå framgång i livet.

20 Things I'm Glad Life Taught Me

1.You must create and look for opportunities: Opportunities rarely ever come knocking on the door of someone who's not seeking them. You have to create and seek opportunities for yourself. You have to take the initiative to get the ball rolling and the doors opening.

2.Negativity will only bring more of it: When you focus only on negativity, obviously that's all you will see. You will not seek out positivity, and even when positivity comes into your life, you'll look for the negative part of it.

3.Where you are does not determine where you can go: It doesn't matter if you're homeless or living in a mansion, poor or rich, or if you have a 4.0 grade point average or "failing", it won't make any difference in the future. There are countless rags to riches stories to back this point up. If you have the drive and talents, you can go anywhere. You create your own limitations and horizon.

4.If you can't help others, you can't help yourself: Even if it's just to hold the door for someone or some other simple gesture, it will do wonders for your life. You'll feel great and you'll eventually be returned the favor sometime during your life, whether you realize it or not. If you don't want to help others, then others won't want to help you, and nor should they.

5.Follow your passion, money will follow: If you have passion and have fun doing your job, then I wouldn't consider it a job. You can focus on creating even more passion for that subject and money will eventually follow you. If you focus only on the money, it won't come because you're focused on the quantity of your work and not the quality.

6.Enjoy yourself: Have fun as much as possible, don't take everything so seriously. Push your worries aside and bring enjoyment closer.

7.If it were easy everyone would do it: This is why get rich quick schemes will never be true. If it was so quick and easy then everyone would be millionaires. Making money and accomplishing tasks is hard work, but well worth it.

8.Planning is good but so is being spontaneous: Planning ahead in business and in life is important but so is being able to quickly change that plan. Various people and events will get in the way of your plans, so you have to be able to modify or forget your plans at times. Be spontaneous once and awhile, it makes life interesting.

9.You have many talents: You may be a talented athlete or musician but you probably have ten more talents you don't even know about. When people find something they're good at, they only focus on that instead of seeing what else they can do.

10.Don't work hard without rewards: What's the point of working hard to follow your dreams if you aren't going to treat yourself along the way. Each little or big goal you accomplish should be rewarded with a proportionate treat, maybe a day off or a big slice of cake.

11.Money does bring happiness: As I said, you shouldn't be chasing money but when you do earn it, you know you've been accomplishing something. It feels great and brings you happiness because you know you'll have more freedom and time to do what you want.

12.Someone always has it worse: At times you may be having a bad day, but stop yourself and think about it; there has to be millions of other people are having a worse day than you.

13.You'll need others: Make as many friends as you possibly can and never burn bridges. You will need others for your success.

14.Being open-minded is the key to more knowledge: If you want to know more about the world you have to be open-minded. Give everything a chance.

15.Failure is great: One of the most important, if not the most important steps to success is failure. You have to fail at least once, but it's better if you've failed multiple times. You can learn so much more from your failures than you could any other way. And when you finally achieve success, you'll appreciate it so much more.

16.Most people are actually nice: This is something I've only recently realized. Most people are nice, but not usually to strangers. Once they get to know you and you get to know them, they will most likely seem like very nice people.

17.Words and thoughts control everything: What you say and think will ultimately become reality. If you say you're going to fail, then you will because you'll find a way to make it happen. If you say you're going to succeed, the same will happen, you'll find a way.

18.Your view is the reality: How you see an event or situation is how it exists. If you see something as tragic and negative then that's what it means to you. If you see something as exciting and positive, then that's what it is.

19.Inspiration and motivation are everywhere: I don't care where you are, there is something there that can motivate and inspire you. You can be at war is some far away country, in horrible conditions, but there will be something there to keep you going and strive for something better. You just have to recognize it and keep it with you.

20.You can change the world: Every single person has the ability to change the world whether directly or indirectly. When you change your life and the lives of those around you, you've changed the world. Small things that you do can make a huge impact on the world.

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lördag 2 augusti 2008

lördag 26 juli 2008

Håll motivationen levande

Jag läste någonstans att motivation är en färskvara. Precis som vi behöver träna kontinuerligt för att få en bra kondition och precis som vi måste äta varje dag för att få fysisk näring behöver vi även träna mentalt för att underhålla vår motivation. Nedan skriver Remez Sasson om några tips vi kan använda för att hålla glöden vid liv.

By Remez Sasson

Motivation has become a popular word nowadays. There are motivational coaches and speakers, and motivational books and articles. What is it actually, and why do you need it?

Motivation is a driving force. In order to accomplish anything, you need a driving force, otherwise nothing will happen. A wish is not strong enough to make you take action. A wish is a weak desire. Only a strong desire can drive forward, to act and accomplish aims and goals.

In order to get motivated, you need to know exactly what it is that you want, to possess a strong desire, and to be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.

More than often there is lack of motivation or only a short-lived one. How many times have you started enthusiastically a weight loss program, began a bodybuilding or aerobics training program or started to learn a foreign language, only to stop after a short while? Few people possess enough willpower and self-discipline to go through to the end with what they begin (this is one of the reasons I have written the book "Will Power and Self Discipline").

It easier to show motivation in connection with a subject that is dear to you. If you desire something, but you don't feel motivated enough to act, this means that the desire is not important enough. To be motivated to take action and do something in respect to your desire, you need to possess a really strong desire.

Motivation has much to do with the emotions and the imagination, which means that if you want to increase it, you have to work on your feelings and imagination.

Tips to increase your motivation:

1. Think, meditate and find out whether you really want to achieve your desire, and whether it is worth the effort and time.

2. Make your goal very clear. Writing it down will help.

3. Think often about your goal or desire.

4. Visualize your goal as already accomplished, and close your mind to contrary thoughts.

5. Read books or articles about the subject of your goal.

6. Read about people who have achieved success.

7. Think often about the benefits you will gain by achieving your goal.

8. Visualize, and think about how you would feel after achieving your goal.

9. Repeat positive affirmations such as: "I have the desire and inner strength to achieve my goal". Repeat this affirmation often, with faith and strong feelings.

10. Start with doing something small concerning your goal. Success in small matters leads to greater success.

Motivation is the powerful engine that moves you towards success and accomplishments in every area.

Vad motiverar dig?

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fredag 25 juli 2008

9 tips för lycka

Här är lite mer tips på ämnet lycka!

9 Tips in Life that Lead to Happiness

Are you truly happy? Do you even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves. I live my life to maintain my own happiness while trying my best to not cause unhappiness to anyone else. If you want to be happy you need to understand that you can be happy and that you should be happy. Many people make the mistake of believing that they don’t deserve happiness and accept their unhappy state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.

  1. Understand what it is that will make you happy. Everyone has unique requirements for attaining happiness and what makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy. Revel in your individuality and do not worry about whether or not your desires are comparable to those of your peers.
  2. Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your mood will very likely increase as your pursue your goal because you will feel better about yourself for going after something you value.
  3. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. Conversely, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious.
  4. When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow set backs to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.
  5. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continued happiness.
  6. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance you will be subconsciously putting yourself in a better mood.
  7. Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy.
  8. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. Additionally, exercise has been known to release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness.
  9. Finally, it is important to understand that you deserve happiness. Those who believe that they are not worthy of happiness may subconsciously sabotage their efforts to achieve happiness. If necessary, tell yourself each day that you deserve to be happy and remind yourself what steps you will take to achieve the happiness you desire.

Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. I try to incorporate the tips above into my life and have had great success in achieving happiness. The tips in this article are small but meaningful steps that you can take each day to lead you to true happiness.

Se även "Tips for Happiness in Daily Life".

Vad gör du för att känna dig lycklig?

Kanske är receptet att lära sig segla eller köra båt? Jag tror i alla fall att segling är ett underskattat lyckopiller :) (Läs mer i mina tidigare inlägg om filosofisegling.)

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tisdag 22 juli 2008

20 tips för att komma igång på måndagar

Idag är det tisdag, men för mig känns det som en oändligt lång och trist måndag. Blev därför inspirerad när jag läste några tips för att komma igång på måndagar. De är lånade från bloggen Growing Happiness. Hoppas de fungerar som ett energipiller för dig också!

20 Ways to Beat Monday Blues

Monday! Monday! Monday!
So full of newness and excitement.
Don’t feel the same way? You’re doing it wrong!
Here are 20 ways to help you beat the Monday Blues:

  1. Procrastinate feeling blue. Is a gloomy cloud forming above your head? Ignore it - you’ll give your attention to it later, not now.
  2. Wear your best clothes or the cheeriest colour from your wardrobe. You’d be surprise how much your clothes could affect the way you feel about yourself.
  3. Early start - bad things happen when you are late, the tension level is high, you are in a rush, you don’t have time for breakfast, when you arrive at your office, people are shoving work into your face. It may seem like a punishment to wake up earlier on Monday but trust me, when you have enough time to organize yourself, you’ll feel like you can conquer the day easier.
  4. Treat yourself in the morning - Sit down and eat. Enjoy your food. Monday is Pancake Breakfast day for me, so I actually look forward to Monday mornings. But eat well - although it’s ok to treat yourself, make sure you eat well. I have a good serving of fruits along with my pancakes. Have enough to drink too - your malaise could be a sign of dehydration.
  5. Have a list of why you’re having the blues - you might be surprised that there will be things on the list that you can easily work on to make your Mondays better. My problem used to be a completing work from last week (very difficult to gain momentum after a weekend break) which brings us to the next point:
  6. Complete as much work possible on Friday - you’ll have less work to worry about on Monday, which lead to the next point:
  7. Have everything laid out the day before - your clothes, files, etc. Saves you a couple of minutes in the morning so that you can concentrate on other, more important things.
  8. Plan your day in small gentle steps. Apply micromovements throughout the day. You can use a GTD system or simply divide your day into of 1/2 - 1 hour chunks with a goal for each time unit.
  9. Talk to a friend - it’s most likely he/she is having the blues too. Keep your conversation short. Remember this is about taking comfort in the fact that you aren’t alone in this, not an hour-long bitchfest about XXX from marketing.
  10. Listen to happy songs - a tune can affect your mood. Let cheery, happy songs be the soundtrack to your Monday.
  11. Dance - just move that body! Jog in place, stretch, do yoga. You’ll feel less lethargic.
  12. Laugh and smile. Recall happy memories or a good joke. If you can’t think of any, do it anyway (fake it till you make it) Some research is saying that even the thought of laughing raises your endorphin (feel-good hormones) levels and a fake laughter provides similar benefits to a real one.
  13. Affirmative statements - Today is a great day. I will complete my report today. Stick positive messages around your monitor and take them seriously.
  14. Choose to feel happy. If you don’t already know, being happy is a choice, so choose happiness!
  15. Buy something new for Monday - it doesn’t have to be big or expensive - a pen, a sketchbook, fancy post-it stickers. Monday is like a birthday for me- I get a present for myself nearly every week. I got myself a sticker for $1 today.
  16. Try something new - you’d be surprise how easy it is to feel energized by doing something you’ve never done before. A new dish, a new song, a new route to work.
  17. Start working. The thing about work is, it’s usually not the work that makes us tired, it’s the thought of starting work that makes us procrastinate and go into a cycle of unproductivity. Quit thinking about starting work and just work instead!
  18. Take short breaks - too much work can be overwhelming and when this happens, it is easy for you to give up. Remember to take short breaks to recharge. If your schedule allows it, you can also take a 10 minute nap after lunch.
  19. Plan something special for Monday night - meet a friend for dinner, rent a DVD. The day will be easier when you have something to look forward to.
  20. Do not get distracted. Youtube, Facebook, personal emails. Once you allow yourself to get distracted you will be sucked into hours of time-wasting activities. If you don’t have the discipline to limit your distraction to 10 minutes, don’t attempt to do it at all. Reading blogs like this is another time-sucker so now that you’ve reach the bottom of the list, why don’t you get working! :)

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