Veckans citat

The more you claim your own destiny, the easier it will be to love unconditionally. The more you love, the more comfortably you'll fit in with all sorts of people.

Martha Beck

lördag 26 juli 2008

Håll motivationen levande

Jag läste någonstans att motivation är en färskvara. Precis som vi behöver träna kontinuerligt för att få en bra kondition och precis som vi måste äta varje dag för att få fysisk näring behöver vi även träna mentalt för att underhålla vår motivation. Nedan skriver Remez Sasson om några tips vi kan använda för att hålla glöden vid liv.

By Remez Sasson

Motivation has become a popular word nowadays. There are motivational coaches and speakers, and motivational books and articles. What is it actually, and why do you need it?

Motivation is a driving force. In order to accomplish anything, you need a driving force, otherwise nothing will happen. A wish is not strong enough to make you take action. A wish is a weak desire. Only a strong desire can drive forward, to act and accomplish aims and goals.

In order to get motivated, you need to know exactly what it is that you want, to possess a strong desire, and to be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.

More than often there is lack of motivation or only a short-lived one. How many times have you started enthusiastically a weight loss program, began a bodybuilding or aerobics training program or started to learn a foreign language, only to stop after a short while? Few people possess enough willpower and self-discipline to go through to the end with what they begin (this is one of the reasons I have written the book "Will Power and Self Discipline").

It easier to show motivation in connection with a subject that is dear to you. If you desire something, but you don't feel motivated enough to act, this means that the desire is not important enough. To be motivated to take action and do something in respect to your desire, you need to possess a really strong desire.

Motivation has much to do with the emotions and the imagination, which means that if you want to increase it, you have to work on your feelings and imagination.

Tips to increase your motivation:

1. Think, meditate and find out whether you really want to achieve your desire, and whether it is worth the effort and time.

2. Make your goal very clear. Writing it down will help.

3. Think often about your goal or desire.

4. Visualize your goal as already accomplished, and close your mind to contrary thoughts.

5. Read books or articles about the subject of your goal.

6. Read about people who have achieved success.

7. Think often about the benefits you will gain by achieving your goal.

8. Visualize, and think about how you would feel after achieving your goal.

9. Repeat positive affirmations such as: "I have the desire and inner strength to achieve my goal". Repeat this affirmation often, with faith and strong feelings.

10. Start with doing something small concerning your goal. Success in small matters leads to greater success.

Motivation is the powerful engine that moves you towards success and accomplishments in every area.

Vad motiverar dig?

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fredag 25 juli 2008

9 tips för lycka

Här är lite mer tips på ämnet lycka!

9 Tips in Life that Lead to Happiness

Are you truly happy? Do you even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves. I live my life to maintain my own happiness while trying my best to not cause unhappiness to anyone else. If you want to be happy you need to understand that you can be happy and that you should be happy. Many people make the mistake of believing that they don’t deserve happiness and accept their unhappy state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.

  1. Understand what it is that will make you happy. Everyone has unique requirements for attaining happiness and what makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy. Revel in your individuality and do not worry about whether or not your desires are comparable to those of your peers.
  2. Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your mood will very likely increase as your pursue your goal because you will feel better about yourself for going after something you value.
  3. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. Conversely, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious.
  4. When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow set backs to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.
  5. Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continued happiness.
  6. It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance you will be subconsciously putting yourself in a better mood.
  7. Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy.
  8. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. Additionally, exercise has been known to release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness.
  9. Finally, it is important to understand that you deserve happiness. Those who believe that they are not worthy of happiness may subconsciously sabotage their efforts to achieve happiness. If necessary, tell yourself each day that you deserve to be happy and remind yourself what steps you will take to achieve the happiness you desire.

Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. I try to incorporate the tips above into my life and have had great success in achieving happiness. The tips in this article are small but meaningful steps that you can take each day to lead you to true happiness.

Se även "Tips for Happiness in Daily Life".

Vad gör du för att känna dig lycklig?

Kanske är receptet att lära sig segla eller köra båt? Jag tror i alla fall att segling är ett underskattat lyckopiller :) (Läs mer i mina tidigare inlägg om filosofisegling.)

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tisdag 22 juli 2008

20 tips för att komma igång på måndagar

Idag är det tisdag, men för mig känns det som en oändligt lång och trist måndag. Blev därför inspirerad när jag läste några tips för att komma igång på måndagar. De är lånade från bloggen Growing Happiness. Hoppas de fungerar som ett energipiller för dig också!

20 Ways to Beat Monday Blues

Monday! Monday! Monday!
So full of newness and excitement.
Don’t feel the same way? You’re doing it wrong!
Here are 20 ways to help you beat the Monday Blues:

  1. Procrastinate feeling blue. Is a gloomy cloud forming above your head? Ignore it - you’ll give your attention to it later, not now.
  2. Wear your best clothes or the cheeriest colour from your wardrobe. You’d be surprise how much your clothes could affect the way you feel about yourself.
  3. Early start - bad things happen when you are late, the tension level is high, you are in a rush, you don’t have time for breakfast, when you arrive at your office, people are shoving work into your face. It may seem like a punishment to wake up earlier on Monday but trust me, when you have enough time to organize yourself, you’ll feel like you can conquer the day easier.
  4. Treat yourself in the morning - Sit down and eat. Enjoy your food. Monday is Pancake Breakfast day for me, so I actually look forward to Monday mornings. But eat well - although it’s ok to treat yourself, make sure you eat well. I have a good serving of fruits along with my pancakes. Have enough to drink too - your malaise could be a sign of dehydration.
  5. Have a list of why you’re having the blues - you might be surprised that there will be things on the list that you can easily work on to make your Mondays better. My problem used to be a completing work from last week (very difficult to gain momentum after a weekend break) which brings us to the next point:
  6. Complete as much work possible on Friday - you’ll have less work to worry about on Monday, which lead to the next point:
  7. Have everything laid out the day before - your clothes, files, etc. Saves you a couple of minutes in the morning so that you can concentrate on other, more important things.
  8. Plan your day in small gentle steps. Apply micromovements throughout the day. You can use a GTD system or simply divide your day into of 1/2 - 1 hour chunks with a goal for each time unit.
  9. Talk to a friend - it’s most likely he/she is having the blues too. Keep your conversation short. Remember this is about taking comfort in the fact that you aren’t alone in this, not an hour-long bitchfest about XXX from marketing.
  10. Listen to happy songs - a tune can affect your mood. Let cheery, happy songs be the soundtrack to your Monday.
  11. Dance - just move that body! Jog in place, stretch, do yoga. You’ll feel less lethargic.
  12. Laugh and smile. Recall happy memories or a good joke. If you can’t think of any, do it anyway (fake it till you make it) Some research is saying that even the thought of laughing raises your endorphin (feel-good hormones) levels and a fake laughter provides similar benefits to a real one.
  13. Affirmative statements - Today is a great day. I will complete my report today. Stick positive messages around your monitor and take them seriously.
  14. Choose to feel happy. If you don’t already know, being happy is a choice, so choose happiness!
  15. Buy something new for Monday - it doesn’t have to be big or expensive - a pen, a sketchbook, fancy post-it stickers. Monday is like a birthday for me- I get a present for myself nearly every week. I got myself a sticker for $1 today.
  16. Try something new - you’d be surprise how easy it is to feel energized by doing something you’ve never done before. A new dish, a new song, a new route to work.
  17. Start working. The thing about work is, it’s usually not the work that makes us tired, it’s the thought of starting work that makes us procrastinate and go into a cycle of unproductivity. Quit thinking about starting work and just work instead!
  18. Take short breaks - too much work can be overwhelming and when this happens, it is easy for you to give up. Remember to take short breaks to recharge. If your schedule allows it, you can also take a 10 minute nap after lunch.
  19. Plan something special for Monday night - meet a friend for dinner, rent a DVD. The day will be easier when you have something to look forward to.
  20. Do not get distracted. Youtube, Facebook, personal emails. Once you allow yourself to get distracted you will be sucked into hours of time-wasting activities. If you don’t have the discipline to limit your distraction to 10 minutes, don’t attempt to do it at all. Reading blogs like this is another time-sucker so now that you’ve reach the bottom of the list, why don’t you get working! :)

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måndag 21 juli 2008

Förverkliga dig själv!

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Animerad motivation

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Läs om gratis nedladdning.
Läs om svenska samtalsämnen.

onsdag 16 juli 2008

tisdag 15 juli 2008

I Will Act Now!

“I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour, each day, everyday, until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action which follows becomes as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I can condition my mind to perform every action necessary for my success. I will act now. I will repeat these words again and again and again. I will walk where failures fear to walk. I will work when failures seek rest. I will act now for now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy. I am not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a failure. I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person.”

Og Mandino

Om att ärva fobier.

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måndag 14 juli 2008

Veckans tips v 28

Veckans tips är lånade från bloggen Advanced Life Skills och handlar om hur du kan väga risk och fördelar mot varandra som en hjälp att välja mellan att anta olika utmaningar i livet.

Success - Is it Worth the Risk?

Have you ever noticed a common theme with successful people? Nine times out of ten, there was a risk, perceived or real, involved in their success. In one way or another, that person felt like they needed to take a chance in order to succeed.

Risk-taking is scary for most of us. We’ve been taught to be careful and take baby steps toward our dreams. There’s nothing wrong with this approach, except that it can limit our progress if we hang back for too long! And the longer we hang back, the harder it is to keep moving forward. We get locked into a rut of inertia and can’t seem to move past it.

Believe it or not, risk is not such a terrible thing if you view it from the right perspective. Most people look at it from the perspective of what they stand to lose if it doesn’t work out. But what do you stand to gain if it DOES work out?

Below you’ll find a simple process to determine which risks might be worth taking:

1) What do you stand to gain?
With any risk, you’ll want to first look at the potential gains. Make a list of what you stand to gain from moving forward and include as much detail as you can. Consider every possible positive benefit you stand to receive. Make sure to consider the financial, emotional and physical upside.

2) What are the possible negative consequences?
Along with the positive benefits, there are always a few possible negative consequences to every risk. Make another list of these, again thinking about all the possible things that could go wrong, and what would happen if they did. Could you handle it?

3) Balance, balance, balance.
Now compare the two lists and see which one has the strongest likelihood of coming to fruition. Would the gains be worth the risk? Would you be able to handle the negative consequences if they did happen? Are there any options for a middle ground decision, like taking smaller risks to start?

4) How realistic are your fears?
Take another look at your list of negative consequences and ask yourself how likely they are to happen. The majority of the time you’ll probably find that your fears don’t have any real substance – they’re just fears. Evaluate each possibility carefully and determine whether it’s a real threat or not.

5) Go with your gut.
After carefully weighing the pros and cons, you should have a solid sense of whether you should take the risk now, or wait a bit longer. There’s no shame in deciding to hold back if you feel you can’t handle the negative consequences right now! Remember, you can always re-evaluate the same risk at a later time and see if conditions have improved at all.

6) Now ask yourself - Why?
What is your motive for considering this course of action? Is it in harmony with what you know to be right? Is it possible that greed or selfishness might be influencing you? Always move toward the greater good.

Just by getting into the habit of evaluating your risks in this way, you empower yourself with the confidence to push through hesitation and move steadily toward the success you desire.

Vad tänker du om att ta risker? Kan man vara rädd för att bli framgångsrik?

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Tankar kring veckans citat

Veckans citat

Pressure usually comes when we have no plan
av Jim Smoke

handlar om det paradoxala att vi ofta undviker att planera för att kunna vara spontana och avslappnade - vilket ofta kan få motsatt effekt. När något oförutsett inträffar så har vi ju ofta inte hunnit plugga ordentligt, sparat tillräckligt eller gjort de där ärendena vi bara måste ha hunnit helst igår - för att vilja eller kunna kasta oss in i den nya situationen med öppna armar. Detta skapar en stress och oflexibilitet som skulle kunnat undvikas med större framförhållning.

Någonstans har jag också läst att planering av sin dag befriar en från två plågor - stress och obeslutsamhet. För visst är det lätt att hamna ståendes på ett ben när vi inte valt aktivitet, när vi inte på förhand bestämt vad vi ska göra och då vi inte har en klar prioritet mellan de möjligheter som finns. Ibland är det bättre att fatta ett beslut och få något gjort, än att slösa bort massa tid och energi med att vela. Den som aldrig bestämmer sig kan bli stående på ett ben hela livet. Var det också någon som sa.

Vad tänkter du om att planera och att vara spontan?

Glad nyhet! Uppföljare planeras till "Meet the Fockers".

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fredag 11 juli 2008

Om att bli rik

Har du tänkt att bli rik? I så fall kanske du fundera på att anamma någon av de nio vanor som Calvin Woon menar utmärker många nyblivna miljonärer.

The Nine Habits which Self Made Millionaires Adopt

by Calvin Woon

Only with the million-dollar mindset will you develop the drive, focus and determination to take the necessary action to propel yourself towards financial abundace.

I hope you've read my other article, the 'Seven-Step Formula to Financial Abundance'. If not, I highly encourage that you read it as in this article I'm going to elaborate further into adopting the million- dollar mindset, which is the first in the Seven- Step Formula to Financial Abundance.
This is widely regarded as the most important step too. This is because in order to be achieve financial abundance, your mind has to be first conditioned for it. Always remember that millionaires think and see the world very differently. Unless you condition your brain to think the same way, you will fail to identify and spot the opportunities and lessons hidden amongst obstacles and failures. Only with the million-dollar mindset will you develop the drive, focus and determination to take the necessary action to propel yourself towards financial abundace.

You may ask this question 'Is the Million Dollar Mindset really so powerful?' The answer is 'Definitely!' If you have the million- dollar mindset, you will not let failure destroy you. And mot importantly, when faced with obstacles, you do not admit defeat but rather you will overcome them and emerge stronger.

One very good example would be famous real estate mogul and host of popular TV show 'The Apprentice' - Donald Trump. The Donald Trump you see today is a billionaire and has achieved immense success. However, many people may be unaware that he actually lost his entire fortune when property prices crashed in the early 1990s. Most people facing such a huge setback would inevitably concede defeat. But certainly not Donald Trump, who managed to overturn a 900 million personal debt and nearly 3.5 billion in business debt into a 3.7 million fortune. The reason is because his mentality is different from the average Joe and he refuses to let setbacks dominate him.

So what is the million- dollar mindset? Basically, it is the way we perceive the world. It is the way we frame, filter and make sense of the events and experiences in our life. Thus, the million- dollar mindset is made up of your habits, beliefs, values and attitudes. So with that, lets move on to explore the "Nine Habits of Self- Made Millionaires" which will enable to think like a millionaire too.

Millionaire Habit 1: Be a Value Creator by Always Exceeding Expectations
There are basically three categories of people in life. The first is what I deem as the "Value Reducers". People who fall under this category have a habit of doing less than expected. Therefore, they reduce the value in whichever organization they belong to. As such, they are considered as liabilities and expenses to a company.

Then you have the second category of people who have the habit of doing exactly as expected. These people sustain the value in whichever organization they belong to as they merely do what is expected of them. As such, they are considered as dispensable assets and low return investments to a company.

Lastly, there is this minority but yet most powerful category of people known as the "Value Creators". These are the people who do a lot more than expected. Through their own initiative, they will always exceed others' expectations of them. Hence, they create tremendous amount of value for their companies. And because of that, they are considered indispensable assets and high return investments to their company. These are the people who do not have to worry about getting retrenched because their bosses will eventually notice their efforts and pay them more and more in order to retain them. Even if their current bosses do not recognize their value, they do not need to worry as other companies will definitely hunt them down for the value they create.

Thus, tell yourself that you must always strive to be a value creator from this moment onwards!

Millionaire Habit 2: Be Proactive and Make Things Happen
The second millionaire habit u need to adopt is to be proactive and make things happen. People who are proactive do not wait for things to happen, but rather, they take the initiative to make things happen. When there are no opportunities around, they do not sit and wait for opportunities to come knocking on them. Rather, they go out and seek opportunities for themselves. Likewise, when faced with setbacks or problems, proactive people will go all out to find solutions to their problems and overcome their setbacks. Therefore, they have the choice to change and control their life.

On the other hand, reactive people wait for things to happen. If there are no opportunities around, they just sit back and wait for opportunities to come. But they fail to realize that opportunities do not just come by so easily. Reactive people when faced with setbacks or problems will simply concede defeat and choose to complain instead of trying to improve the situation. As such, they are often not in control of their lives but rather, they choose to let other people control their lives.

Hence, only when you are proactive will you be in full control of your success and wealth. So start making things happen straight away!

Millionaire Habit 3: Do What You Love
The next habit you need to adopt is to do what you absolutely love most. This may sound stupid as you may ask why will anyone do what they hate. However, take a good look around and you would see many people working in industries they do not have a passion for. Why do most people complain about going to work each day? Its simply because they do not have a passion for their work, and thus they simply dread it. When things do not go their way, they will simply complain.

However, most successful individuals have one thing in common. They love what they do. And it is because of this intense passion for they what they are doing that drives them to succeed. To these people, their work is equivalent to play. Thus, they are enjoying every single moment of their work and their motivation is natural.

Only when you eat, breathe and sleep your field of work, will you be the best in the industry you are in. And in today's competitive world, when you are far from the best in your industry, you are going to find it extremely hard to survive. Hence, start identifying what you are strongly passionate about. Thereafter, think of who can learn from in that industry and strive to be the best. When you are able to do what you love, you will never have to "work" another day of your life!

Millionaire Habit 4: Believe in Delayed Gratification
This is one habit which many people are guilty of not being able to keep up with, including myself. Yet, it is one habit which will determine if you are going to be financially free or not. You see, there are effectively two ways you can use your money. One is to spend it, the other is to save or invest it. Most people opt for the former, because you get instant gratification from it. When you spend your money on the new watch or designer clothes, you get instant happiness. Thus, instant gratification is the habit of wanting to enjoy now and not having the patience to wait for future benefits. People who constantly desire instant gratification rarely have the discipline to save and let their money compound and grow. Not surprisingly, they will never be wealthy.

On the other hand, people who opt to save or invest their money believe in delayed gratification. These are the people who will not spend their money impulsively on things which will not bring them future benefits. Rather, they will spend their money wisely, choosing to invest in seminars, books. They will also invest their money in stocks and bonds, and allow their money to compound and grow. Initially they may not see huge returns, but they have the patience to wait for their money compound slowly but surely.

Therefore, start analyzing your spending habits today and ensure you believe in delayed gratification.

Millionaire Habit 5: Never Get Complacent and Constantly Improve Oneself
What major reason why people fail is because they get complacent. Problems often occur when you get complacent. When you are complacent about your business, you tend to relax and that's when your competitors will overtake you. When you are complacent about your health, you tend to neglect it and that's when illnesses will attack you. Therefore, no matter how successful or wealthy you might think you are, always ask yourself how can be the best.

Hence, always strive for excellence in whatever you do and continuously seek ways for improvement in all areas of your life.

Millionaire Habit 6: Be 100 Committed and Make it a MUST to Succeed
So what does it take to be 100 committed? People always think that they are committed to achieving success or wealth. However, there's a clear distinction between wanting to succeed, and being 100 committed to succeed. When you are 100 committed to succeed, you make it an absolute MUST to succeed. You will do whatever it takes to succeed. If it means having to only sleep 4 hours a day, you will do it. Do not worry though, as I'm not encouraging you to sleep only 4 hours. But you must be able to see the clear distinction. Making something a MUST means making it your number one priority and stretching yourself way beyond your comfort zone to achieve it.

When you are not 100 committed to achieving something, you will never achieve it. This is because the path to success and wealth is never easy. Thus, people often give up when the going gets tough. It all boils down to the fact that they have not make it a MUST. When you are 100 committed to be a millionaire, you will do whatever it takes to overcome the challenges you might face. However, if you only "wish" or "want" to become a millionaire, your mind will eventually be filled by other ?wants? that will eventually take away all you attention and time.

Start asking yourself this question now, "Is success and wealth a must for you? Or is it only a want?" If your answer is a "MUST", then you should change the way you are spending your time now and be 100 committed to achieving it.

Millionaire Habit 7: Instill a Sense of Integrity
This is indeed one very important value you need to adopt, as people will only trust those with integrity. Once you lose your integrity, you also lose the trust that people have in you, and you will lose your friends and business partners. Having integrity involves doing what you say you will do. You must be someone who is reliable and responsible and only then will people want to associate with you.

So, start instilling a sense of integrity in you right now and wealth will come to you!

Millionaire Habit 8: Have Self- Discipline
In order to succeed, you must have the discipline to go through all that is necessary for you to succeed. Even if the journey is tedious and boring, you must have the discipline to persist. You must have a set of rules for yourself and you must stick by it no matter what it takes. Only with discipline can you overcome all challenges and create wealth.

So, start instilling a sense of self- discipline in you and never compromise on your rules.

Millionaire Habit 9: Perceive Failure as Feedback and Turn it Into Success
The final millionaire habit is the ability to perceive failure as feedback and turn it into success. What many people do not know is in actual fact, many millionaires today have experienced major failures in their life. The truth is that everybody fails at one point or another. However, while most people will allow failure to kill their faith, successful people are able to perceive it as feedback and turn failure into success.

There are three ways people respond to failure. The first group of people will get extremely disappointed and they just give up completely. The second group are slightly more determined as they will not give up instantly. Rather, they will keep trying but using the same strategies over and over again. As a result, they will continue to fail many times until they become disillusioned and also give up eventually.

However, successful millionaires perceive failure differently. Every time they encounter setbacks, they do not see it as failure. Rather, they perceive it as feedback that they are not using the right strategy. Hence, they will accept this feedback and change their strategy until they achieve what they desire.

Remember this quote: "Success is the result of good judgment. Good judgment is the result of experience. Experience is the result of bad judgment" - Anthony Robbins.

Hence, accept the fact that we will bound to experience failures. However, do not perceive it as failure but rather see it as feedback and let it help you achieve success!

So, there you have it! The Nine Habits of Self Made Millionaires. Master them, and I guarantee that you will experience a positive change in your life. To study the other steps in greater depth, you need a practical, powerful and comprehensive wealth creation programme.

Short note about the author
Calvin Woon is a motivational speaker who loves to teach others on how to adopt the right strategies and mindsets in order to create massive wealth. To find out how you too can create for yourself massive wealth, visit

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torsdag 10 juli 2008

onsdag 9 juli 2008

48 minuter av ditt liv

Ibland undrar man hur alla andra hinner med allt. Hushållsgöra, ärenden, organisera och ha koll och samtidigt sköta ett jobb eller sina studier så bra. Många klagar på att det är svårt att kombinera familj och karriär, men detta kan vara tillräckligt svårt även utan barn! Så här kommer några tips på hur man får mycket gjort utan att avsätta alltför mycket tid varje dag.

The Power of 48 Minutes
by John Richardson

Is there magic in the number 48? Does this number hold any significance in your future success? Speaker Don Crowther suggests that there is. In his presentation at the NSA Summer Symposium

Don told the audience that 48 minutes is the magic number. Here’s how it works… Set a timer for 48 minutes. Close out all distractions and work continuously for 48 minutes. When the timer goes off, get up and stretch, get coffee, use the restroom etc, in the following 12 minutes. Repeat as necessary.

Don reports that this technique repeated four times a day allowed him to write a 200 page book in just two weeks. The ability to focus on one task for 48 minutes straight was the key. I have been testing Don’s idea and I have to say it works well for me. This eliminates the distractions that have a way of derailing even the best laid plans. Taking a short 12 minute break once an hour is refreshing but not enough to get you off track.

So the question comes up, If this solution works well how can I use it in planning out my daily schedule and applying it to future goals. Can I successfully write a blog post in 48 minutes? Can I write a book chapter in that time? As I’ve tried the process, it has been a challenge to sit in one place that long. But when I do my productivity soars. I find it best to just keep writing, not worry about mistakes, and get everything on paper. Once I have the points on paper I can go back and make my edits and corrections.

My usual morning schedule has about 2 hours of productive time available. I’ve tested the idea of blogging for an hour and then working on a book for the second hour. So far this has worked well with standard length blog posts and has yielded a book outline.

There does seem to be magic in the number 48!

This technique does require a little planning and it helps to have a coffee cup warmer on your desk. The best timer I’ve found so far is a countdown timer with large numbers and a loud alarm. The easy to view numbers give instant feedback on how much time you have left.

Using this simple technique may help me streamline my daily blog postings and help me be much more consistent. The book outline is taking shape and given me hope of actually completing the project.

If you find yourself getting distracted on your projects give this simple technique a try. It has really helped me focus and get things done!

46 andra tips för större produktivitet.

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tisdag 8 juli 2008

Veckans tips v 13

Veckans tips är lånade från Ulrika Lundbergs artikel i Aftonbladet 10/3 2008 och handlar om att hitta tillfredsställelse i livet.

1. Lyssna till din längtan

Följer du din längtan, hur kan du då någonsin komma fel? Men det är svårt att känna in sin längtan. Även pyssel som att zappa på tv:n och strösurfa dränker alla subtila röster.

Övning: Gör absolut ingenting, eller ta ett intensivt samtal med dig själv 30 minuter varje vecka.

  •  Slå dig ner i favorithörnet. Stäng av allt som stör.

  • Låt tankarna flöda fritt. När alla-måsten-stormen mojnat smyger längtansfullt grubbel på.

  •  Fundera runt de stora frågorna, som: Vad vill jag, egentligen? Hur vill jag leva? Vad är jag bra på? Om inte om fanns, vad skulle jag göra då? Vart är jag på väg? Vad ska bort, vad ska till?

Ledtråd: Det är inte ovanligt att undantryckt längtan uttrycker sig i avundsjuka.

2. Nöjdare nu?

 Tänk efter, när i livet har du varit som mest nöjd hittills? Det som en gång gjort dig genuint nöjd gör dig förmodligen tillfreds även framöver.

Övning: Ta tempen på din nöjdhet, flera gånger per dag.

  •  Känn efter: Hur nöjd är jag just nu? På morgonmötet, jogging­turen, när du nattar barnen eller dividerar relationsproblem med vännerna.

  •  Snart ser du ett mönster i vilka situationer du mår bra. Och vad som är glädjedödare.

  •  Stimulera. ”Jag känner mig supernöjd när jag dansar men frustrerad på greenen. Dags att byta golfen mot salsakurs?”.

Ledtråd: Ofta finns gyllene stunder i tonåren, innan vi formar oss efter vuxna måsten.

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måndag 7 juli 2008

Negativa tankar

Veckans citat:

"Everything you do, every thought you have, every word you say creates a memory that you will hold in your body. It's imprinted on you and affects you in subtle ways—ways you are not always aware of. With that in mind, be very conscious and selective."

av Phylicia Rashad

tänker jag handlar om att vi både kan odla lycka och olycka beroende på vad vi fokuserar mest på i våra liv. Det är idén bakom det salutogena perspektivet som menar att vi borde bygga på våra styrkor istället för svagheter. Det traditionella psykodynamiska perspektivet har kritiserats för att vara alltför problemorienterat och på så sätt leda in patienterna i ett negativt tänkande. Medan det kognitiva perspektivet på omvänt sätt har blivit kritiserats för att vända alla svåra känslor ryggen och se de som resultat av ett felaktigt (negativt) tänkande.

Men visst är det så att det är lätt att hamna i ett negativt tänkande och därför mest uppmärksamma de jobbiga saker som bekräftar vårt perspektiv. Dessutom innebär ju en ständig oro en slags förberedelse för det värsta som kan hända. Har vi inte hört strofer som "Man ska inte ropa hej förrän man tagit sig över ån", "Ta inte ut segern i förskott" och "Förbered dig på det värsta men hoppas på det bästa" till leda? I detta förhållningssätt ligger en pessimistisk grundsyn som en slags vaccination mot besvikelser. Men resulterar det inte ofta i att vi undviker att glädjas och undviker att utmana oss själva i vår rädsla för att misslyckas? Vi undviker helt enkelt en positiv syn för att vi inte ska bli överraskade när det kommer något negativt i vår väg. Därför tycker jag citatet är så bra. Det påminner oss om att alla våra tankar och beteenden formar förväntningar, perspektiv och upplevelser. Vi kan alltså i viss mån välja en mer livsbejakande och positiv livssyn! Det vi upplever ger sedan förväntningar på i framtiden - och uppmärksammar därmed lättare. Därmed kan vi så för en mer positiv spiral ska komma till stånd och odla vår glädje!

Samtidigt tror jag det är oerhört viktigt att alla våra känslor ska få plats. Smärta, sorg och ledsenhet har ett stort värde på många sätt. Vi måste försöka vara äkta och lyhörda för vad vi känner, men samtidigt inte av slentrian vara så där lite garderande negativa.

Vad tänker du?

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lördag 5 juli 2008

Fyra principer för ett bättre liv

Stephen Covey är en annan gigant på området personlig utveckling. Han har skrivit populära titlar som Att leva och verka till 100% - de 7 goda vanorna (7 Habits of Highly Effectiv People The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness och Familj till 100 % . Nedan följer en artikel där han går igenom fyra viktiga principer vi bör basera vårt liv på för att må bra och leva i enlighet med hur världen fungerar.

Center on Principles
Real character developmentbegins with the humble recognition that we are not in charge, that principles ultimately govern. I don't talk much about ethics and values because to me those words imply situational behaviors, subjective beliefs, social mores, cultural norms, or relative truths. I prefer to talk about universal principles and natural laws that are more absolute. You may think that it's just a matter of semantics and that when most people talk about values they really mean these universal principles. But I see a clear difference between principles and values. Hitler was value-driven; Saddam Hussein is value-driven. Every person and organization is driven by what they value, bt they aren't necessarily ethical or principle-centered.

The Humility of Principles
The key to quality of life is to be centered on principles. We're not in control; principles are incontrol. We're arrogant when we think we are in control. Yes, we may control our actions, but not the consequences of our actions. Those are controlled by principles, by natural laws. Building character and creating quality of life is a function of aligning our beliefs and behaviors with universal principles. These principles are impersonal, external, factual, objective, and self-evident. They operate regardless of our awareness of them, or our obedience to them.

If your current lifestyle is not in alignment with these principles, then you might trade a value-based map for a principle-centered compass. When you recognize that external verities and realities ultimately govern, you might willingly subordinate your values to them and align your roles and goals, plans, and activities with them. But doing so often takes a crisis: your company's downsizing; your job's on the line; your relationship with the boss goes sour; you lose a major account; your marriage is threatened; your financial problems peak; or you're told you have just a few months to live. In the absence of such a catalytic crisis, we tend to live in numbed complacency so busy doing good, easy, or routine things that we don't even stop to ask ourselves if we're doing what really matters. The good, then, becomes the enemy of the best.

Humility is the mother of all virtues: the humble in spirit progress and are blessed because they willingly submit to higher powers and try to live in harmony with natural laws and universal principles. Courage is the father of all virtues; we need great courage to lead our lives by correct principles and to have integrity in the moment of choice. When we set up our own self-generated or socially-validated value systems and then develop our missions and goals based on what we value, we tend to become laws unto ourselves, proud and independent. Pride hopes to impress; humility seeks to bless. Just because we value a thing doesn't mean that having it will enhance our quality of life. No "quality movement" in government, business, or education will succeed unless based on "true north" principles. And yet we see leaders who cling to their current style based on self-selected values and bad habits even as their "ship" is sinking when they could be floating safely on the life raft of principles.

Nothing sinks people faster in their careers than arrogance. Arrogance shouts "I know best." In the uniform of arrogance, we fumble and falter — pride comes and goes before the fall. But dressed in humility, we make progress. As the character Indiana Jones learned in The Last Crusade, "The penitent man will pass." In pride, we often sow one thing and expect to reap another. Many of our paradigms and the processes and habits that grow out of them never produce the results we expect because they are based on illusions, advertising slogans, program-of-the-month training, and personality-based success strategies. Quality of life can't grow out of illusion. So how do we align our lives with "true north" realities that govern quality of life?

Four Human Endowments
As human beings, we have four unique endowments: self-awareness, conscience, independentwill, and creative imagination that not only separate us from the animal world, but also help us to distinguish between reality and illusion, to transform the clock into a compass, and to align our lives with the extrinsic realities that govern quality of life. Self-awareness enables us to examine our paradigms, to look at our glasses as well as through them, to think about our thoughts, to become aware of the psychic programs that are in us, and to enlarge the separation between stimulus and response. Self-aware, we can take responsibility for reprogramming or rescripting ourselves out of the stimulus-response mode. Many movements in psychology, education, and training are focused on an enlarged self-consciousness. Most popular self-help literature also focuses upon this capacity. Self-awareness, however, is only one of our unique endowments. Conscience puts us in touch with something within us even deeper than our thoughts and something outside us more reliable than our values. It connects us with the wisdom of the ages and the wisdom of the heart. It's an internal guidance system that allows us to sense when we act or even contemplate acting in a way that's contrary to our deepest values and "true north" principles. Conscience is universal. By helping companies and individuals develop mission statements, I have learned that what is most personal is most general. No matter what people's religions, cultures, or backgrounds are, their mission statements all deal with the same basic human needs to live (physical and financial), to love (social), to learn (educational), and to leave a legacy (spiritual).

Independent will is our capacity to act, the power to transcend our paradigms, to swim upstream, to re-write our scripts, to act based on principles rather than reacting based on emotions, moods, or circumstances. While environmental or genetic influences may be very powerful, they do not control us. We're not victims. We're not the product of our past. We are the product of our choices. We are "response-able," meaning we are able to choose our response. This power to choose is a reflection of our independent will. Creative imagination empowers us to create beyond our present reality. It enables us to write personal mission statements, set goals, plan meetings, or visualize ourselves living our mission statements even in the most challenging circumstances. We can imagine any scenario we want for the future. If our imagination has to go through the straightjacket of our memory, what is imagination for? Memory is limited. It's finite; it deals with the past. Imagination is infinite; it deals with the present and the future, with potentiality, with vision and mission and goals with anything that is not now but can be. The man-on-the-street approach to success is to work harder, to give it the "old college try." But unless willpower is matched with creative imagination, these efforts will be weak and ineffective.

Nurturing Our Unique Gifts
Enhancing these endowments requires us to nurture and exercise them continuously. Sharpening the saw once a week or once a month just isn't enough. It's too superficial. It's like a meal. Yesterday's meal will not satisfy today's hunger. Last Sunday's big meal won't prepare me for this Thursday's ethical challenge. I will be much better prepared if I meditate every morning and visualize myself dealing with that challenge with authenticity, openness, honesty, and with as much wisdom as I can bring to bear on it.

Here are four ways to nurture your unique endowments:
  1. Nurture self-awareness by keeping a personal journal. Keeping a personal journal — a daily in-depth analysis and evaluation of your experiences — is a high-leverage activity that increases self-awareness and enhances all the endowments and the synergy among them.

  2. Educate your conscience by learning, listening, and responding. Most of us work and live in environments that are rather hostile to the development of conscience. To hear the conscience clearly often requires us to be reflective or meditative, a condition we rarely choose or find. We're inundated by activity, noise, conditioning, media messages, and flawed paradigms that dull our sensitivity to that quiet inner voice that would teach us of "true north" principles and our own degree of congruency with them. I've heard executives say that they can't win this battle of conscience because expediencies require lies, cover-ups, deceit, or game playing. "That's just part of the job," they say. I disagree. I think such rationalization undermines trust within their cultures. If you have back-room manipulation and bad mouthing, you will have a low-trust culture. A life of total integrity is the only one worth striving for. Granted, it's a struggle. Some trusted advisors, PR agents, accountants, and legal counselors might say, "This will be political suicide," or "This will be bad for our image, and so let's cover up or lie." You have to look at each case on its own merit. No case is black and white. It takes real judgment to know what you should do. You may feel that you operate "between a rock and a hard place." Still, with a well-educated conscience or internal compass, you will rarely, if ever, be in a situation where you only have one bad option. You will always have choices. If you wisely exercise your unique endowments, some moral option will be open to you. So much depends on how well you educate your conscience, your internal compass. When my kids were in athletics, they paid the price to get their bodies coordinated with their minds. You've got to do the same with your own conscience regularly. The more internal uncertainty you feel, the larger the grey areas will be. You will always have some grey areas, particularly at the extremity of your education and experience. And to grow, you need to go to that xtremity and learn to make those choices based on what you honestly believe to be the right thing to do.

  1. Nurture independent will by making and keeping promises. One of the best ways to strengthen our independent will is to make and keep promises. Each time we do, we make deposits in our personal integrity account the amount of trust we have in ourselves, in our ability to walk our talk. To build personal integrity, start by making and keeping small promises. Take it a step and a day at a time.

  2. Develop creative imagination through visualization. Visualization, a high-leverage mental exercise used by world-class athletes and performers, may also be used to improve your quality of life. For example, you might visualize yourself in some circumstance that would normally create discomfort or pain. In your mind's eye, instead of seeing yourself react as you normally do, see yourself acting on the basis of the principles and values in your mission statement. The best way to predict your future is to create it.

Roots Yield Fruits
With the humility that comes from being principle-centered, we can better learn from the past, have hope for the future, and act with confidence, not arrogance, in the present. Arrogance is the lack of self-awareness; blindness; an illusion; a false form of self-confidence; and a false sense that we're somehow above the laws of life. Real confidence is anchored in a quiet assurance that if we act based on principles, we will produce quality-of-life results. It's confidence born sp; of character and competence. Our security is not based on our possessions, positions, credentials, or on comparisons with others; rather, it flows from our own integrity to "true north" principles. I confess that I struggle with total integrity and do not always "walk my talk." I find that it's easier to talk and teach than to practice what I preach. I've come to realize that I must commit to having total integrity to be integrated around a set of correct principles. I've observed that if people never get centered on principles at some time in their lives, they will take the expedient political-social path to success and let their ethics be defined by the situation. They will say, "business is business," meaning they play the game by their own rules. They may even rationalize major transgressions in the name of business, in spite of having a lofty mission statement.

Only by centering on "timeless" principles and then living by them can we enjoy sustained moral, physical, social, and financial wellness.

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