Veckans citat

The more you claim your own destiny, the easier it will be to love unconditionally. The more you love, the more comfortably you'll fit in with all sorts of people.

Martha Beck

onsdag 11 juni 2008


Det är svårt att leva ett liv i balans. Ett av de största problemen handlar om att hitta ett lagom tempo där man vare sig blir uttråkad och understimulerad, eller stressad och uppjagad. Ofta tänker vi på stress som skadligt och något som bör undvikas. Det har blivit ett uppsving för böcker som menar att vi måste lära oss att göra ingenting alls och att det är nyttigt att ha tråkigt, tex Långsamhetens lov och Hej lättja . Men få tänker kanske på att vi behöver uppnå en viss stressnivå (arousal) för att över huvud taget komma igång på dagarna. Det är ju det som gör att vi vaknar, när melatoninproduktionen sjunker och kortisolet ökar på mornarna. Nu har också en stressforskare kommit fram till att det är hälsosamt med en viss stressnivå för att vi inte ska bli understimulerade eller förbli dåsiga hela dagarna. Vi kan också uppleva skadlig stress om vi är understimulerade. Men det magiska ordet är återigen balans. Är vi ordentligt uppstressade har vi svårt att varva ner och sova bra, och möjligheterna till återhämtning minskar vilket tär på oss om det varar över tid. De flesta av oss har nog snarare problem med att bryta stress än att få upp en lagom stressnivå. Nedan följer därför lite tips på hur vi kan slappna av och komma in i ett lugnare tempo.

Top 10 Ways to Beat Stress - Your Personal Wellness Arsenal

Ronnie Nijmeh

Stress affects us all. Period. No if's, and's, or but's.

Very few of us have the luxury of getting through a single day without feeling the stress of work, family concerns, or just everyday annoyances. But beating stress doesn't mean you have to live in a cave and meditate all day. I want to share 10 ways to beat stress that you can use to deal with stress while still having fun.

Tips for Sending Your Stress Packing for Good

  1. Hit the road. One of the best ways to relieve stress is to take a break from your day, jump in your car, and take a drive for 10 or 15 minutes. Make sure you take along some of your favorite music, so you can crank up the stereo and sing as loud as you want while you're driving. No one will hear you, so sing away!

  2. Break out the crossword puzzles. Doing an activity that engages your mind, such as crossword puzzles or Sudoku, will give you a mental break from your day, while keeping your mind sharp.

  3. Take a long, hot shower. This is one of the simplest ways to relieve stress. Humans are conditioned to calm down while around running water, and a hot shower can relieve the tension in your muscles. Also, taking a shower gives you another chance to sing away - make the shampoo bottle your microphone and blow off some steam!

  4. Take up an active sport. Maybe you're not up for full contact football, but taking up a sport such as racquetball or tennis is a great way to blow off steam while getting some exercise.

  5. Let your creative side play. Art is an excellent stress reliever. Even if you're not artistically inclined, no one ever has to see your work, so let loose and create something fun. Art is also one of the best ways to beat stress, because you can take out the frustrations of your day on the canvas.

  6. Watch a funny movie or video. Getting a good laugh is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. Watch a favorite comedy, rent a movie you've been meaning to check out, or get on YouTube and find some funny videos.

  7. Get cooking! There's something about the act of preparing a meal or a dessert that can send your stress packing. If you've forgotten where the kitchen is, stop by your favorite bookstore to pick up a recipe book you'd actually enjoy - you'll not only relieve stress, you'll get to enjoy a great meal too!

  8. Learn something new. Taking a class in something you've always wanted to try, but have never gotten around to, can be a great stress reliever. Whether you're interested in pottery, swing dancing, or skydiving, taking a class is one of the best ways to beat stress and have fun!

  9. Take a long walk in a nature setting. Even if you live in an urban area, you can get to a park or nature preserve, and take a long hike. The fresh air and the exercise will help you relieve stress, and you'll get to enjoy some of the best scenery nature has to offer.

  10. Get a pet! Studies have shown that having a pet helps to reduce the stress in your life. Even if you live in an apartment where dogs and cats are not permitted, you can get a small fish tank, or a small pet such as a gecko. . The simple act of caring for a pet can help your stress melt away.

Läs mer om stresshantering och om kroppens stressrespons.
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